Janne Tuomikko November 2, 2016 7 min read

Precast concrete element or concrete block factory

Precast concrete element or concrete block factory

In case the production capacity of your precast concrete element or concrete block factory needs to be increased, it is time to consider the extension of the existing or eventually the acquisition of a new concrete mixing plant.

When should you consider to purchase a new precast concrete plant?

  • Production capacity of precast concrete is too small.

  • The operation of the old precast plant technically is not reliable and failures affect the precast element, paving stone or block production.

  • Maintenance is difficult, repairs are expensive, spare parts are difficult to obtain and software is limited or just not any longer meeting the requirements of a modern concrete production.

  • Precast concrete quality in whole is not sufficient or from batch to batch differs too much.

Precast concrete element or concrete block factory

What are the benefits when investing in a new precast concrete plant?

  • A new precast plant can be connected to the existing element factory and its systems, e. g. the concrete transport system (shuttle).

  • All components and equipment can be pre tested.

  • Service, maintenance and spare part supply are very reliable.

  • Concrete quality is better thanks to better dosing and weighing systems, which also allow a very precise measuring of the moisture contained in the aggregates.

  • All technical information required for construction and environmental permits, will be provided by supplier. In addition, supplier will assist with the calculation of the investment and financing arrangements.

Precast concrete element or concrete block factory

What’s better, an investment in a new precast plant or the retrofitting of the existing precast plant?

The retrofitting of an old precast plant is worth it, if the basic structures are in good condition. Then it will be easy to install new mechanical equipment, as well as a new electrical, automation and control system.
The renovation of an old precast plant also may be considered, when there is no sufficient additional space to build or the construction permit cannot be extended correspondingly.

On the other hand, if you have to replace too many devices, the renovation might become so expensive that an investment in a new plant could economically be the better solution.

Are you interested in a quote for a new precast plant or retrofitting of old?
Read more about element and block factory

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Janne Tuomikko

VP Business development and Sales

+358 10 830 2911